Friday, January 12, 2018

January 14 Parent Note

Dear Parents and Guardians -
It is a Yarmouth High School tradition to celebrate the Hector Hebert Award every January by recognizing a senior who epitomizes the values that longtime YHS teacher Hector Hebert not only treasured, but also instilled in his students.  This student represents a true “Renaissance" perspective immersed in a wide variety of coursework, clubs, musical pursuits, and athletics.  We would like to congratulate Emi Ruth as this year’s Hector Hebert Award Winner.   
We would also like to note this year’s National Scholastic Art Awards program winners: Taylor Hooper-White -  Honorable mention for a drawing portfolio, Sam Marjerison - Gold Key and Silver Key for photographs, Mairen O'Neill - Honorable Mention for a charcoal drawing, and Rachel Walton - Gold Key for an oil painting.

January also marks another tradition for our 9th graders, who participate in the Power of One Project. This program was created five years ago to explore the powerful impact of food insecurity across and world and in our own communities.  Students recently participated in a Hunger Banquet which illustrated the inequity of food distribution in our society, and will begin projects in their advisory groups to help address this global issue.   

Later this month, the Yarmouth Fire and Rescue Explorer Post will hold an Information Day on Sunday Jan 28th from 1:30PM to 3:30PM at Yarmouth North Road Fire Station.  The Explorer Program sponsors training and activities for students in fire safety.   Once properly trained, students serve in support roles such as breaking down and maintaining equipment, filling air bottles, training in hydrant operations, hose deployment, and airpack operation.   This also includes department leadership trainings every Wednesday night.  Students are not involved in actual fire or emergency medical response.

This week, please join us for the Extended Learning Presentation Night on Tuesday, January 16th, 5:30 to 7 pm in the Yarmouth Performing Arts Center.  These projects were designed independently by students, who worked with mentors both inside and outside the Yarmouth community.  After the presentations, we will hold a brief reception in the library.  
We would also like to invite you to the Angst presentation on January 17th at 7 pm in the Yarmouth Performing Arts Center.  In the national documentary, Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety, teens and parents share personal stories about the impact of anxiety on their own lives and tips and advice from prominent experts..  Please see this link for more information.  Students at YHS will be watching this film later this month during at an upcoming assembly.

Finally, the end of the second quarter and first semester is this Friday, January 19th Please encourage your child to check and complete assignments and cornerstones as we approach the midpoint of the school year.
Summary of upcoming events
  • Extended Learning Presentation Night -  Tuesday, January 16th, 5:30 to 7 pm, YPAC
  • Angst presentation -  Wednesday January 17th at 7 pm, YPAC
  • End of the 2nd Quarter - Friday, January 19th.  
  • Yarmouth Fire and Rescue Explorer Post Information Day - Sunday Jan 28th  1:30PM to 3:30PM at Yarmouth North Road Fire Station.
Best regards,   Eric Klein and Amy Bongard - YHS administrative team.

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