Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we look forward to a new year and hopefully some warmer weather, we hit the ground running this week at Yarmouth High School. This Friday, we will hold our annual Poetry Out Loud competition in the Yarmouth Performing Arts Center. Earlier in December, students recited poems in their English classes which served as preparation for this Friday's final competition which will be judged by local poets.
Additionally, we will start preparation for the Career Exploration Program. At a short assembly tomorrow morning, all sophomores and juniors will be introduced to the CEP Program, a three-day job shadowing experience that occurs in March. Students will be working with parents and their advisors to find a meaningful placement for this opportunity. As the program unfolds, you will be learning more from your son or daughter's advisor. Information about the CEP program can also be found at this link. We hope you will find this information helpful to you and your child, as it constitutes an important aspect of career readiness for our students.
A quick reminder that the Second Quarter ends on January 19th. This also marks the end of the first semester, and the next few weeks are especially important for students to complete assignments and cornerstones as we officially approach the midpoint of the school year.
Best regards,
Eric Klein and Amy Bongard, YHS administrative team.
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