Dear Parents and Guardians,
Amidst this early winter flurry of storms and cold, there are two important upcoming events that epitomize Yarmouth’s commitment to providing our students and community with rich and meaningful educational experiences which extend beyond the classroom.
Many communities recognize the need to support students at a time when our teenagers face a wide array of pressures and challenges. The YHS Green Group is excited to present a special free screening of the national documentary Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety, featuring an interview with world-renowned athlete and mental health advocate Michael Phelps. Teens and parents share deeply personal stories about the impact of anxiety on their own lives and tips and advice from prominent experts. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health challenge in the U.S., but there is hope because the condition is highly treatable. The showing of the 55 minute film will be followed by an informative conversation with local experts. Please see this link for more information
We also take time to honor the diverse voices and perspectives that are part of our national history and culture. As part of the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King on Monday January 15th, as well as a prelude to Black History month in February, we are exceptionally pleased to offer a unique educational experience Dreamweavers - American Voices. Thanks to a generous grant from YEF, visiting actor, writer, and poet David Mills will be joining us at YHS for four days from January 25th-30th for an English-history collaborative event. David will be presenting a Langston Hughes one-man performance for juniors and seniors on Thursday, January 25th. David lived in Langston Hughes' house in Harlem for three years and wrote his play based on access he had to letters and papers of Hughes'. In the play, David will take on myriad and lively characters from Hughes' short stories and poems--young, old, black, white, male and female--as he brings Hughes' work alive for students. Because Hughes is also known as the father of Blues poetry, he will then facilitate six Blues poetry writing workshops with seniors following the performance. On Monday, January 29th, David will perform a one-act play that reenacts Dr. Martin Luther King's most critical events, using Dr. King's writings and speeches. 9th, and 10th graders will be attending this performance, and we have invited 8th graders from HMS to join us as well. Following the play, sophomores will participate in writing workshops in their history classes with David, based on Dr. King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail."
We will hold another Clipper Catch Up session this Thursday as we prepare for the end of the second quarter and first semester on January 19th. The next few weeks are especially important for students to complete assignments and cornerstones as we officially approach the midpoint of the school year, and The “Clipper Catch-up” time has quickly become an invaluable opportunity for students to meet with their teachers. Whether a student has fallen behind on cornerstones, does not have the chance to meet with teachers after school, or simply could benefit from some extra study time, this school-wide initiative provides a block of time every month for students and faculty to work together.
Finally, a friendly reminder from the school nurse that students should not be carrying any medications, prescriptions, or over-the-counter medications while they are at school. If your student is requiring medication during the school day, please have the medication dropped off at the nurse’s office so that she may administer it to them. If you have any questions please contact our school nurse Stacey Hang.
Best regards,
Eric Klein and Amy Bongard, YHS administrative team.