Friday, January 12, 2018

January 14 Parent Note

Dear Parents and Guardians -
It is a Yarmouth High School tradition to celebrate the Hector Hebert Award every January by recognizing a senior who epitomizes the values that longtime YHS teacher Hector Hebert not only treasured, but also instilled in his students.  This student represents a true “Renaissance" perspective immersed in a wide variety of coursework, clubs, musical pursuits, and athletics.  We would like to congratulate Emi Ruth as this year’s Hector Hebert Award Winner.   
We would also like to note this year’s National Scholastic Art Awards program winners: Taylor Hooper-White -  Honorable mention for a drawing portfolio, Sam Marjerison - Gold Key and Silver Key for photographs, Mairen O'Neill - Honorable Mention for a charcoal drawing, and Rachel Walton - Gold Key for an oil painting.

January also marks another tradition for our 9th graders, who participate in the Power of One Project. This program was created five years ago to explore the powerful impact of food insecurity across and world and in our own communities.  Students recently participated in a Hunger Banquet which illustrated the inequity of food distribution in our society, and will begin projects in their advisory groups to help address this global issue.   

Later this month, the Yarmouth Fire and Rescue Explorer Post will hold an Information Day on Sunday Jan 28th from 1:30PM to 3:30PM at Yarmouth North Road Fire Station.  The Explorer Program sponsors training and activities for students in fire safety.   Once properly trained, students serve in support roles such as breaking down and maintaining equipment, filling air bottles, training in hydrant operations, hose deployment, and airpack operation.   This also includes department leadership trainings every Wednesday night.  Students are not involved in actual fire or emergency medical response.

This week, please join us for the Extended Learning Presentation Night on Tuesday, January 16th, 5:30 to 7 pm in the Yarmouth Performing Arts Center.  These projects were designed independently by students, who worked with mentors both inside and outside the Yarmouth community.  After the presentations, we will hold a brief reception in the library.  
We would also like to invite you to the Angst presentation on January 17th at 7 pm in the Yarmouth Performing Arts Center.  In the national documentary, Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety, teens and parents share personal stories about the impact of anxiety on their own lives and tips and advice from prominent experts..  Please see this link for more information.  Students at YHS will be watching this film later this month during at an upcoming assembly.

Finally, the end of the second quarter and first semester is this Friday, January 19th Please encourage your child to check and complete assignments and cornerstones as we approach the midpoint of the school year.
Summary of upcoming events
  • Extended Learning Presentation Night -  Tuesday, January 16th, 5:30 to 7 pm, YPAC
  • Angst presentation -  Wednesday January 17th at 7 pm, YPAC
  • End of the 2nd Quarter - Friday, January 19th.  
  • Yarmouth Fire and Rescue Explorer Post Information Day - Sunday Jan 28th  1:30PM to 3:30PM at Yarmouth North Road Fire Station.
Best regards,   Eric Klein and Amy Bongard - YHS administrative team.

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8 Parent Note

Dear Parents and Guardians,  
Amidst this early winter flurry of storms and cold, there are two important upcoming events that epitomize Yarmouth’s commitment to providing our students and community with rich and meaningful educational experiences which extend beyond the classroom.  
Many communities recognize the need to support students at a time when our teenagers face a wide array of pressures and challenges.  The YHS Green Group is excited to present a special free screening of the national documentary Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety, featuring an interview with world-renowned athlete and mental health advocate Michael Phelps. Teens and parents share deeply personal stories about the impact of anxiety on their own lives and tips and advice from prominent experts. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health challenge in the U.S., but there is hope because the condition is highly treatable. The showing of the 55 minute film will be followed by an informative conversation with local experts.  Please see this link for more information
We also take time to honor the diverse voices and perspectives that are part of our national history and culture.  As part of the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King on Monday January 15th, as well as a prelude to Black History month in February, we are exceptionally pleased to offer a unique educational experience  Dreamweavers - American Voices.   Thanks to a generous grant from YEF, visiting actor, writer, and poet David Mills will be joining us at YHS for four days from January 25th-30th for an English-history collaborative event.  David  will be presenting a Langston Hughes one-man performance for juniors and seniors on Thursday, January 25th. David lived in Langston Hughes' house in Harlem for three years and wrote his play based on access he had to letters and papers of Hughes'. In the play, David will take on myriad and lively characters from Hughes' short stories and poems--young, old, black, white, male and female--as he brings Hughes' work alive for students.  Because Hughes is also known as the father of Blues poetry, he will then facilitate six Blues poetry writing workshops with seniors following the performance. On Monday, January 29th, David will perform a one-act play that reenacts Dr. Martin Luther King's most critical events, using Dr. King's writings and speeches.  9th, and 10th graders will be attending this performance, and we have invited 8th graders from HMS to join us as well.    Following the play, sophomores will participate in writing workshops in their history classes with David, based on Dr. King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail."

We will hold another Clipper Catch Up session this Thursday as we prepare for the end of the second quarter and first semester on January 19th.  The next few weeks are especially important for students to complete assignments and cornerstones as we officially approach the midpoint of the school year, and  The “Clipper Catch-up” time has quickly become an invaluable opportunity for students to meet with their teachers.   Whether a student has fallen behind on cornerstones, does not have the chance to meet with teachers after school, or simply could benefit from some extra study time, this school-wide initiative provides a block of time every month for students and faculty to work together.
Finally, a friendly reminder from the school nurse that students should not be carrying any medications, prescriptions, or over-the-counter medications while they are at school.  If your student is requiring medication during the school day, please have the medication dropped off at the nurse’s office so that she may administer it to them. If you have any questions please contact our school nurse Stacey Hang.
Best regards,
Eric Klein and Amy Bongard, YHS administrative team.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January 1 Parent Note - Happy New Year!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we look forward to a new year and hopefully some warmer weather, we hit the ground running this week at Yarmouth High School.   This Friday, we will hold our annual Poetry Out Loud competition in the Yarmouth Performing Arts Center.  Earlier in December, students recited poems in their English classes which served as preparation for this Friday's final competition which will be judged by local poets.

Additionally, we will start preparation for the Career Exploration Program.  At a short assembly tomorrow morning, all sophomores and juniors will be introduced to the CEP Program, a three-day job shadowing experience that occurs in March.   Students will be working with parents and their advisors to find a meaningful placement for this opportunity.  As the program unfolds, you will be learning more from your son or daughter's advisor.  Information about the CEP program can also be found at this link.  We hope you will find this information helpful to you and your child, as it constitutes an important aspect of career readiness for our students.   

A quick reminder that the Second Quarter ends on January 19th.  This also marks the end of the first semester, and the next few weeks are especially important for students to complete assignments and cornerstones as we officially approach the midpoint of the school year.     

Best regards,

Eric Klein and Amy Bongard, YHS administrative team.


Eric P. Klein
Yarmouth High School

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Citizenship Ceremony

Dear Students,

I am incredibly proud of you today.  This morning's ceremony represented our district's commitment to recognize and appreciate diversity in ideas and people, symbolized by our core values of respect and compassion.  

I would first like to thank the members of the civil rights team.  After enduring a challenging year of divisive politics in our nation, this group of students rose to the challenge.  They took the initiative to create an organization that would foster respect and appreciation for all rights and beliefs at Yarmouth High School.   

As part of her CEP experience, Paige Reinfelder sought to bring a U.S. citizenship ceremony  to Yarmouth High School, recognizing the impact and significance of witnessing this tremendous event.   Under the direction of advisor Mrs. Deb Johannsen, members of the civil rights team worked tirelessly to put together today's ceremony.  I would also like to thank Claire Scott, Tommy Ishimwe, Erik Borda, Jack Jones, Kyaira Grondin, Skylar Bennett, Annabelle Adams-Beyea, Kim Fuller, Tommy Ishimwe, Ellie Lowenstein, Avi Singh, Avery May, Lulu Rasor, Zach Mogul-Campbell, Alex Hall, Emily Corson, and Abby Van Lonkhuyzen for their efforts.

Next, I would like to thank members of our chamber choir for their performances of the National Anthem and America the Beautiful.  These musical performances were tremendously inspiring as they so powerfully complemented this morning's message of unity.

There is always a great deal of work behind the scenes with any performance, and we are indebted to our director of facilities Bruce Bickford and his crew of Bob Doran, Jeff Decker, and our own students Nolan Hegarty, Jonny Torres, Matt Sanborn, Ben Cox-Faxon, Ashanti Haywood, and Tony Cleaves for braving the cold and assisting with parking.  We would also like to thank bus drivers Kathy Darling and Scott Thompson for their help with the shuttle service.   

Next, today's event would not have happened without the technical assistance of Michael Belley and Isabelle Dow in the YPAC.  Mrs. Young and Mrs. Hamilton furthermore provided the technological support to stream today's ceremony, allowing many more to view today's events.    

Finally, I would like to thank each and everyone of you.  Without hesitation, you volunteered to park, ride, or walk in order to make room for our guests today.  More importantly, you were exceptionally respectful during today's prestigious ceremony.  You should be proud to hold your head high as Clippers who were united together in welcoming thirty-one new citizens to our country.  


Eric P. Klein
Yarmouth High School

Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 3rd Parent Note

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Celebrations continue at YHS, as our robotics team recently qualified for the upcoming state championships by winning the Cape Elizabeth tournament last weekend.   Congratulations to Aaron Densmore, Sean Moore, Eli Anderson, Emmett Herr, Jackson Rollins, Philip Bock, Simon Whitaker, and William Lenardson.  

We would also like to recognize the efforts of seniors Cate Ralph and Harland Nadeau, who recently secured a grant from EcoMaine to reduce Yarmouth High School's carbon footprint with a more efficient recycling program in the cafeteria.   

Additionally, Sam Marjerison was named a 2018 National YoungArts Foundation honorable mention winner in the cinematic arts.

This week our music programs will celebrate the holiday season with an Instrumental Concert on Tuesday December 5th and a Choral Concert on Wednesday December 6th.  Both concerts begin at 7 pm.  As we approach the middle of the quarter, Progress Reports will be available on Wednesday December 6th.

We are very excited to share another important celebration with you.  Working with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Civil Rights Team has organized a Naturalization Ceremony at Yarmouth High School on Thursday December 7th.  Our guests will be receiving Certificates of Naturalization after taking their official Oaths of Allegiance. Since parking will be tight, we will be asking all students and staff to carpool as a bus shuttle service will be available at the Exit 15 Park and Ride.  More information can be found here.  

WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA Veterans Honor Parade - Sunday, December 10th (approximate arrival of the convoy is between 6:00 and 6:30pm). The Yarmouth Community is invited to show support and appreciation for our Veterans and their families by welcoming the convoy carrying the wreaths to be laid at Arlington National Cemetery.   The Patriot Guard Riders, along with Yarmouth Police and Fire Departments, will escort the parade along Route 115 under a 600-square foot American Flag supported by Ladder Trucks

Use of Tylenol or Advil in School - A reminder from the school nurse that due to district policy, medications such as Tylenol or Advil cannot be administered without parent permission.  The policy is in place to protect any students with underlying conditions that prevent them from taking such medications.  If you would like your child to be able to take an OTC pain reliever at school, please go to the Emergency/Medical Tab in Powerschool and select the option that best suits your student's needs.  Remember to hit "submit" at the bottom of the page in order to save any changes.  The link to the district's policy is listed here.

Clipper Honors - Honor an educator this holiday season!  The Clipper Honors program provides an opportunity for parents & students to thank, honor or congratulate an educator through a donation to the Yarmouth Education Foundation. It's a way to recognize any staff member in our schools who has had a positive impact on your child's life.  All Clipper Honors recipients receive a certificate of appreciation indicating that a donation of an undisclosed amount has been made to YEF in their name. Clipper Honors donations are accepted throughout the year.  During the holiday season, Clipper Honors donations of $25.00 or more will include your honoree's custom certificate of appreciation and a sampler box of six delicious chocolates-exclusively made by Wilbur's of Maine.

Best regards -- Eric Klein and Amy Bongard, YHS Administrative Team

Friday, December 1, 2017

YHS Student Performance

Seniors Nick Prato and Meghan Smith performing Vance Joy's My Kind of Man at Wednesday's assembly.

Monday, November 20, 2017

November 19, 2017 Parent Note

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Yarmouth’s commitment to excellence that spans across so many different student interests, and can be described as an intricate tapestry where so many diverse threads are woven together.  This weekend’s performances of Pippin by the YHS Playmakers serve as yet another example of the tremendous commitment to Renaissance learning and celebration of the arts. Congratulations to the entire cast and crew for another phenomenal fall musical performance.  

We would also like to recognize Lulu Rasor for her film review of the film Frantz, which was recently published as part of the Kidspirit online magazine and community.  Additionally, three Yarmouth students were recently recognized as Eagle scouts.  After taking the Veteran’s Day weekend honor those who have served overseas to protect this country, Kyle Bennett’s efforts to create a Memorial at Yarmouth Fire and Rescue recognizes the sacrifices of those who risk their lives here at home.  Following in the footsteps of their father and their grandfather, Jackson Rollins and Parker Rollins completed their Eagle Scout capstone project creating a garden at the Sacred Heart Church in Yarmouth.  Congratulations to all, and a few reminders of upcoming events.  

Principals’ Chat - Tuesday November 28th at 6 pm in the library.  After the Thanksgiving holiday, please feel free to join us as we take time to reflect upon the first quarter of the school year, and look forward to the rest of the year.   

A reminder that School Picture Retakes are scheduled for Friday, December 1st.    

Senior Yearbook photos are due Monday, December 4th.    These photos can be submitted digitally or by hard copy.  If submitting by email, please include your son or daughter’s first and last name in the title of the email. All digital photos must be in high resolution jpg or tiff format. The yearbook staff can scan your baby photos for you! If you are submitting hard copies, please label all photos on the back and submit to Betsy Puelle through main office.  Emails or questions should be directed to

YHS will be closed for the Thanksgiving Break from Wednesday, November 22nd until Sunday, November 26th.  A reminder that any items left in the “Lost and Found” table located outside the main office will be donated to local organizations.   Wishing you and your families a safe and restful vacation.  
Best regards,
Eric Klein and Amy Bongard, YHS Administrative Team