Monday, October 2, 2017

October 1 - Parent Note

Dear Parents and Guardians, 
Although much of tonight’s message is a review of October events, we would like to share a few new pieces of information.   First, we will hold our fall Financial Aid Night this Wednesday, October 4th in the YPAC from 6:30 to 8 pm.  In light of today’s spiraling college tuition costs, this presentation from guidance counselors Beth Doane and Brenda Michaelsen can help parents navigate through the financial aid process - please see this link for more information. 
Next, there will be an informational meeting regarding the Russian Exchange Program this Tuesday, October 3rd in room at 6:30 pm.  Program director Doug Reighley will be available to answer questions regarding this cultural opportunity to host students and a teacher from Archangel, Russia.  Three 16 year-old female students and their chaperone, a 57-year old female teacher, will be visiting Yarmouth High School this fall.   In return, students from Yarmouth will have the opportunity to travel to Archangel over the April vacation and stay with host families.   
Finally, we appreciate your patience as we work through the implementation of a new parking policy. In the coming weeks, we will continue to distribute passes to upperclassmen.  Based on current projections, we have determined there will not be sufficient space for sophomores to park at the high school this year.  Please note, should there be circumstances that require special consideration, you may contact an administrator at the high school.   
From last week ...
PSAT Registration - Juniors and Sophomores are scheduled to take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 11th.  Please note this is not a late start day for sophomores and juniors.  Following the exam, students will report to periods 4 and 5 with a break for lunch.   The cost of the PSAT is $20. Please see registration information below from guidance.
*Registration Process for PSAT's*
Beginning Monday, September 25th, juniors and sophomores can register for the PSAT in guidance.  Please bring $20 in cash or check made payable to Yarmouth High School. If paying by check, please put your child's name in the memo section.  Fee waivers are available in guidance.  At the time of registration, students will receive a study guide to help prepare for the PSAT.  By taking the PSAT, Juniors are automatically screened for the National Merit® Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships.  For sophomores, this is an opportunity to practice taking a college entrance exam and receive feedback to help prepare for future standardized tests. 
Our House II Campaign - Many of you will recall the Our House fundraising campaign of more than ten years ago that provided much needed bleachers to the high school stadium field. That campaign was a great success, but it left us without a few of the amenities we'd like to provide for our athletes and fans - most notably, restrooms.  Now, we are excited to announce the Our House II campaign to further improve the athletic facilities at Yarmouth High School by providing for the following:
  • Construction of restrooms
  • Improvements to the snack shack
  • Updating of the team shed
  • Upgrades to the electrical panel
  • Installation of directional signage
In the coming weeks, you will be hearing more about this project through district-wide emails and a town-wide publicity campaign. To learn more about this opportunity to improve our community facility, log on to   
Influenza Vaccination Clinic  Thursday October 5th.  In order for a student to receive a vaccination, parents need to complete a permission form (these will be available in the cafe at open house). 
Yearbook Information - Please refer to this link for more information on how to purchase the 17-18 YHS yearbook.   
*Important notice for Seniors -  Senior Ads are due October 10th!  Please refer to this link for more information.
A quick reminder that there is no school on Friday October 6th as our faculty will be attending workshops, and there will be no school on Monday, October 9th in recognition of the Columbus Day holiday. Best regards,

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