Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16th Principal's Notes

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The end of the first semester is close at hand, and it's difficult to believe that we're almost halfway through the school year.  This is an important time for students to take care of their academic responsibilities as the second quarter ends on January 27th, and I would encourage you to access PowerSchool to review your student's progress.  

A reminder that Cornerstones are assessments designed by Yarmouth High School teachers that connect directly to the learning area expectations and school-wide expectations.  Students need to pass all of the cornerstones in a course with a grade of 80 or above in order to pass the course.   Students who do not reach that grade on the first try will have multiple opportunities to meet the required score.  Should a cornerstone not be successfully completed, a "CINC" (cornerstone incomplete) will be listed in their grade report.  Please note that an incomplete cornerstone will NOT impact extracurricular eligibility if it is a passing grade of 70 or above.   As soon as students have retaken their assessment(s) and successfully demonstrated proficiency with a score of 80 or above, the incomplete "CINC" marker will be removed from their grade report.  In preparation for the end of the quarter, we will hold another Clipper Catch-Up during period 3 on Tuesday, January 17th.  This time will be dedicated to providing students with additional time to meet with teachers and complete assignments.

For parents of sophomores and juniors, our Career Exploration Program is well underway.  After attending an introductory meeting last week, students will be creating resumes and cover letters as they prepare for a three-day internship on from March 15th to March 17th (there are no classes on these days for 10th and 11th graders).  As the program unfolds, you will be hearing more from your son or daughter's advisor, but your role as a parent is important!  Please take time to share ideas with your student, as this is a great opportunity to explore possible career opportunities.   There is also a great deal of information about the CEP program which you can find at this link.

Special Presentation: SCREENAGERS  - Wednesday, January 25th, at 6 pm in the YPAC.   YEF, Yarmouth K-8 PTO, the First Parish Congregational Church, and the Yarmouth Alumni Association are thrilled to present SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age, a documentary that focuses on one of the biggest parenting issues of our time (please click here for a trailer with more information). Parents and children in 5th grade and up are invited to attend. Tickets are free, but you must reserve tickets to get in the door.  Reserve them here.

Coaches for Cancer - The Yarmouth High School Boy's Ice Hockey Team is teaming up with the American Cancer Society to raise funds for cancer research. Please join us at the varsity hockey game on February 7th  at 7 pm against Saint Dominic's Academy.   Check here for more information.

Principal's Coffee Chat - Wednesday, February 8th at 6 pm in the Library.  Please join the administration for a mid-year update and a look at the year ahead as we prepare for course registrations in early March.

YEF and Hannaford's - The Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program has selected Yarmouth Education Foundation as the local program beneficiary for the month of January.  For every purchase of the blue Hannaford Helps Reusable bags at $2.50 this month Hannaford will donate $1 to YEF.  Hannaford developed this program in order to further support Hannaford's values by making it easy for customers to contribute to their local community and support the environment. Please consider buying a Hannaford blue reusable bag this month. Thank you.

Best regards,

Eric P. Klein
Yarmouth High School