October 30 Parents' Message
It has been an exciting week at Yarmouth High School as we prepare to wrap up the month of October and prepare for November. All of our athletic teams have been involved in post-season playoffs, and many of our musicians were recently honored with all-State recognition. Please check the YHS website and Twitter feeds for more updated information as both our boys and girls soccer teams will be playing in regional finals this week, and the Cross Country teams will travel to the state competition this weekend. As always, our Playmakers will cap the fall season, this year performing Cinderella starting November 16th. Information regarding ticket sales will be sent out soon. In the meantime, there are many events to keep us busy the next two weeks:
November 1: Winter Sports Night - Believe it or not, it is time to prepare for our winter sports. Winter Sports Information Night will be held on Tuesday, November 1 @ 6 pm. Please plan to attend if your son or daughter is planning to participate in a winter sport in order to meet with coaches about the upcoming season. Locations for each team will be posted at both entrances to the school.
November 4th: End of the First Quarter - It is important for our students to take care of their academic responsibilities as the quarter draws to an end, and I would encourage you to review PowerSchool to review your student's progress. A reminder that Cornerstones are the assessments designed by Yarmouth High School teachers that connect directly to the learning area expectations and school-wide expectations. Students need to pass all of the cornerstones in a course with a grade of 80 or above in order to pass the course. Students who do not reach that grade on the first try will have multiple opportunities to meet the required score. Should a cornerstone not be successfully completed, a "CINC" (cornerstone incomplete) will be listed in their grade report. Please note that an incomplete cornerstone will NOT impact extracurricular eligibility if it is a passing grade of 70 or above. As soon as students have retaken their assessment(s) and successfully demonstrated proficiency with a score of 80 or above, the incomplete "CINC" marker will be removed from their grade report.
November 7th, 9th - Learning Area Conferences - In light of the rather contentious upcoming elections, Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday November 7th and Wednesday, November 9th. If your son or daughter's last name begins with A-K, conferences will be held from 3:30-6:30 pm on Monday, November 7. Those with last names starting with L-Z will have conferences on Wednesday, November 9 from 3:30-6:30 pm. These conferences provide quick updates (about 5 minutes) with the teachers. Most teachers will be in the gym or the cafeteria, with a few in their classrooms. As always, our student ambassadors will be there to help you find your way. On a final note, our AP Art students will be holding a bake sale to help fundraise for their NYC trip on both evenings.
November 8th - 9th Grade YAAP Presentation - 9th graders will be participating in an assembly with YAAPP (Young Adult Abuse Prevention Program). Last year we began a series of presentations aimed at raising awareness of gender bias and behaviors to reinforce our beliefs of learning, specifically that the best learning occurs when students and staff are physically and emotionally safe. Another goal of these workshops is to establish a common language and understanding of our expectations related to healthy, respectful relationships. These goals reinforce a cultural shift for all students regarding respectful relationships, particularly taking a look at how gender stereotypes and socialization have taught us to act and the impact these issues have on how we treat each other. Please feel free to contact me with questions and concerns.
Quick Reminders
Use of Advil/Tylenol in School - Please make sure you have completed the parental permission portion of Powerschool . This can be quickly done by going to student information, then to go medical/emergency and complete the tylenol/ibuprofen check boxes. Thank you for your assistance with completing this information.
Parent/Principal Coffee Chat - Thursday, November 10 at 8:30 am.
Senior Yearbook Deadlines - senior photos and senior baby pictures are due December 2. This link will provide parents with detailed information.
Upcoming Fundraisers
The Volleyball boosters are selling Yarmouth Clipper stadium chairs for $45 (or $50 if you would like it personalized) and are now taking orders! For more information, please click here.
The Yarmouth Hockey Boosters will be holding a giant yard sale on Saturday, November 5th from 8-11am at Yarmouth Elementary School. The money raised goes to support both the girls and boys ice hockey teams at the high school and middle school. Donations for the yard sale are gladly accepted Friday, November 4th from 6-8 pm at Yarmouth Elementary School.
YEF (Yarmouth Educational Fund) will be holding its annual Blue Jean Ball on Saturday, November 12th at the AMVETS Hall.