Thursday, December 22, 2016

Yarmouth Community Choir

On Wednesday, December 21st, the student body was treated to a lovely concert by the Yarmouth Community Choir. This was their first time singing in front of a large crowd. They were warmly received and we hope to continue this visit in the future. Thanks to Katie Waeldner and Katie Vigue for making the connection.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18th Principal's Notes

December 18th Parent Message

As we prepare for the December vacation, I would like to take a moment to recognize the spirit of giving that is part of the fabric at YHS and our community.  Not only have our students participated in arranging for Thanksgiving meals or gifts for Yarmouth families the past few weeks, their efforts have been matched by benefactors in our community who do so much to offer a helping hand to those in need.

This includes the Clothing Drive spearheaded by our Global Action students.  To date, three full carloads have been delivered to those in need of winter clothing, and we would like to once again recognize the generosity of our community and realize the huge difference the clothing, boots, and hats will make in the lives of the recipients.

We so often take time to recognize the pursuit of excellence inherent in Yarmouth academics, theater, music, athletics (as well as a host of other activities).  It is just as important to celebrate our core value of compassion, especially this time of year.   

Laptop collection - There is no homework is assigned over break, making this a good time to "unplug," relax, and enjoy the holidays.  We will collect laptops from students in grades 9, 10 and 11 over the December break. . All Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior computers will be collected on Thursday, December 22nd at the end of Period 5.  If a student is leaving early for vacation, he or she needs to let the office and the computer lab know.   Seniors may keep their laptops over break to complete applications.  Seniors who want to store their laptop at school over break may turn it in directly to the computer lab.  If students need to finish projects/work on their computers, the Main Office will be open on Tuesday, December 27th - from  9:00 am - 1:00 pm and Thursday December 29th - from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Students must sign up here or in the computer lab prior to vacation if they would like to participate.


Class of 2018 Fundraiser - The Class of 2018 is selling lanyards for $5 this week.  
Yarmouth Hockey Boosters - Jan. 3 Otto's Pizza night - link here for more information.  

Finally, there is no school on Friday, and we will return to classes on Tuesday, January 3rd to begin the New Year.   Wishing you and your family a restful and peaceful December vacation.  Best regards,

Eric P. Klein
Yarmouth High School

Friday, December 9, 2016

Grade 9 participates in the #HourofCode for Computer Science Week

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries during Computer Science week, December 5-11, 2016. Led by our Technology Integrator, Alice Barr, all 9th graders at YHS participated in the event Friday, Dec. 9th. 

Students were exposed to activities and experiences designed to nurture creativity and problem solving skills - things that will prepare students for any future career. And from taking a tour of our STEM lab to learning the very basics of coding, students were able to get a sense of some of the opportunities computer science provides.

Computer Science is changing every industry on the planet, and we believe that students should have the opportunity to learn how to create technology. Note that we have added two new courses to our line up of STEM classes - Computer Science, and Software Creation and Game Design. We know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works.

That said, we encourage families to follow up on these topics with their students, especially as classes for next year become part of the conversation. There are a number of ways for students to explore Computer Science at YHS, and we hope students continue to take advantage of them! 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Katie Waeldner '17 Selected as Maine Delegate to United States Senate Youth Program.

Katie Waeldner has been selected as a delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program. Katie will represent Yarmouth High School, her community, and the state of Maine in a superior fashion in Washington, D.C.    

The USSYP brings the highest-level officials from each branch of government together with an outstanding group of high school students — two high school juniors or seniors from each of the fifty states, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) — during an intensive educational program week held in Washington, D.C. The program is merit-based and highly competitive. Each student will also receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship with encouragement to pursue coursework in history and political science. Now in its fifty-fifth year, the program has been fully funded since inception by THE HEARST FOUNDATIONS as an enduring commitment to preparing young people for citizenship and leadership in our participatory democracy. More than 5,500 strong, USSYP alumni serve the country in many ways.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 30th Principal's Notes

October 30 Parents' Message  

It has been an exciting week at Yarmouth High School as we prepare to wrap up the month of October and prepare for November.  All of our athletic teams have been involved in post-season playoffs, and many of our musicians were recently honored with all-State recognition.  Please check the YHS website and Twitter feeds for more updated information as both our boys and girls soccer teams will be playing in regional finals this week, and the Cross Country teams will travel to the state competition this weekend.  As always, our Playmakers will cap the fall season, this year performing Cinderella starting November 16th.  Information regarding ticket sales will be sent out soon.  In the meantime, there are many events to keep us busy the next two weeks:   

November 1: Winter Sports Night - Believe it or not, it is time to prepare for our winter sports.  Winter Sports Information Night will be held on Tuesday, November 1 @ 6 pm. Please plan to attend if your son or daughter is planning to participate in a winter sport in order to meet with coaches about the upcoming season.  Locations for each team will be posted at both entrances to the school.

November 4th: End of the First Quarter - It is important for our students to take care of their academic responsibilities as the quarter draws to an end, and I would encourage you to review PowerSchool to review your student's progress.  A reminder that Cornerstones are the assessments designed by Yarmouth High School teachers that connect directly to the learning area expectations and school-wide expectations.  Students need to pass all of the cornerstones in a course with a grade of 80 or above in order to pass the course.   Students who do not reach that grade on the first try will have multiple opportunities to meet the required score.  Should a cornerstone not be successfully completed, a "CINC" (cornerstone incomplete) will be listed in their grade report.  Please note that an incomplete cornerstone will NOT impact extracurricular eligibility if it is a passing grade of 70 or above.   As soon as students have retaken their assessment(s) and successfully demonstrated proficiency with a score of 80 or above, the incomplete "CINC" marker will be removed from their grade report.  

November 7th, 9th - Learning Area Conferences - In light of the rather contentious upcoming elections, Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday November 7th and Wednesday, November 9th.  If your son or daughter's last name begins with A-K, conferences will be held from 3:30-6:30 pm on Monday, November 7.  Those with last names starting with L-Z will have conferences on Wednesday, November 9  from 3:30-6:30 pm.  These conferences provide quick updates (about 5 minutes) with the teachers.  Most teachers will be in the gym or the cafeteria, with a few in their classrooms.  As always, our student ambassadors will be there to help you find your way.  On a final note, our AP Art students will be holding a bake sale to help fundraise for their NYC trip on both evenings.    

November 8th - 9th Grade YAAP Presentation - 9th graders will be participating in an assembly with YAAPP (Young Adult Abuse Prevention Program).   Last year we began a series of presentations aimed at raising awareness of gender bias and behaviors to reinforce our beliefs of learning, specifically that the best learning occurs when students and staff are physically and emotionally safe.   Another goal of these workshops is to establish a common language and understanding of our expectations related to healthy, respectful relationships.  These goals reinforce a cultural shift for all students regarding respectful relationships, particularly taking a look at how gender stereotypes and socialization have taught us to act and the impact these issues have on how we treat each other. Please feel free to contact me with questions and concerns.

Quick Reminders

Use of Advil/Tylenol in School -  Please make sure you have completed the parental permission portion of Powerschool .  This can be quickly done by going to student information, then to go medical/emergency and complete the tylenol/ibuprofen check boxes. Thank you for your assistance with completing this information.  

Parent/Principal Coffee Chat - Thursday, November 10 at 8:30 am.  

Senior Yearbook Deadlines - senior photos and senior baby pictures are due December 2.  This link will provide parents with detailed information.

Upcoming Fundraisers

  • The Volleyball boosters are selling  Yarmouth Clipper stadium chairs for $45 (or $50 if you would like it personalized) and are now taking orders! For more information, please click here.

  • The Yarmouth Hockey Boosters will be holding a giant yard sale on Saturday, November 5th from 8-11am at Yarmouth Elementary School.  The money raised goes to support both the girls and boys ice hockey teams at the high school and middle school.  Donations for the yard sale are gladly accepted Friday, November 4th from 6-8 pm at Yarmouth Elementary School.

  • YEF (Yarmouth Educational Fund) will be holding its annual Blue Jean Ball on Saturday, November 12th at the AMVETS Hall.

Eric P. Klein
Yarmouth High School

Friday, October 21, 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Yarmouth Rowing Club Wins Gold at textile River Regatta 2016!

The Yarmouth Rowing Club Wins Gold at textile River Regatta 2016!

The Yarmouth Rowing Club's Mens Junior Novice crew earned a gold medal in their first ever race on Sunday, October 2, 2016 at the Textile River Regatta in Lowell Massachusetts. The regatta, a 5K time-trial "Head Race" down the Merrimack River, is one of the largest rowing events of the fall season, hosting 77 Clubs from around new England with 570 entries of high school, college and masters rowers. 

The Yarmouth Novice Boys crew beat out the second place boat (a Maine Rowing Association crew) by just 2 seconds over a distance of 6000 meters - 3.7 miles! The coxswain of the boat (the individual who steers the boat, executes the race plan, motivates her crew and makes on-the-fly decisions) was Lucia Bolles, of Yarmouth, who had to get creative when her microphone quit part way through the race! She managed to urge her crew on right to the last stroke, passing quite a number of boats and racing for the line. The stroke seat of the boat (the rower who sets the pace and leads the crew) was Eli Anderson, of Yarmouth. Shown on the photo handing out the medals to his boat mates. The "engine room" of the crew consisted of Duncan Birkbeck, of Yarmouth, and Emerson House, of Scarborough. Both of these rowers just started rowing this summer but worked hard to pick up the technique, balance and rhythm to make the boat fast. The bow seat of the boat, considered a key technical position, was Team Captain Aaron Densmore, of Yarmouth. Coach Leigh Mastin said, "I am extremely proud of these boys. They have all worked really hard as a crew and looked great coming down the final stretch! I couldn't be more pleased!"

The Yarmouth Rowing Club's Girls Crews, coached by Scott Hornney, have struggled with injuries and illness this season but put in an excellent showing in their race - one of the largest in the regatta - finishing 30th and 37th out of a field of 42 crews. 

The Yarmouth A boat was coxed by Captain Maddy LePage, of Greely High School. Captain Lexi Rich, of Yarmouth, rowed stroke seat, Amelia Cavanaugh of Greeley rowed 3 seat, Emilie Hardel of Yarmouth rowed 2 seat with Hannah Van Alstine, also of Yarmouth, in bow.  

The Yarmouth B crew was coxed by Henry Southall, of Freeport, with Natalie Bourassa, of Yarmouth, in stroke seat, followed by Olivia Leonard, of Yarmouth in 3 seat, Sophie Wink, of Yarmouth in 2 seat, and Sarah Beretich, of Baxter Academy in bow.

It was a great day of rowing for the Yarmouth Rowing Club's Junior Crews, Masters crews, Sculling boats and our fellow rowers from Waynflete Crew with whom we shared the bus, our Regatta Team Headquarters camp site, and a great booster BBQ

The Yarmouth Rowing Club's Novice Boys crew - in their "lucky headbands" collect their medals in Lowell, Massachusetts. From Left to right: Emerson House, Duncan Birkbeck, Aaron Densmore (Captain) and Eli Anderson (stroke). Not shown: Lucia Bolles, who was coxing the Masters Womens race at the timePhoto by Chris Coughlan

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

YHS Students Participate in Coastal Cleanup

This weekend's Coastal Cleanup Event on Cousin's Island proved to a a successful one, led by ten students from Yarmouth High School who were joined by teachers Sarah Hirschfeld and Sarah Carrigan.  In total, students removed over 300 pieces of trash and recyclable material - while also recovering a small dingy that had washed up in the grass this past spring.  Some notable items they found were a fully functional kayak paddle, 3 dingies (including the one that was rescued...the others were too deep in to get out), 1 boat cushion, lots of lobster buoys, and 1 tire.  A neighbor's dog also helped us find 3 old tennis balls!  All in all, it was a great day!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

School Start Time Change for 2016-17 School Year

On May 26, the Yarmouth School Committee approved the change of school day start and end times beginning with the 2016-17 school year. The new daily schedule will be as follows:

Yarmouth High School and Harrison Middle School
Start time: 8:00 a.m. End time: 2:45 p.m. 

Yarmouth Elementary School and Rowe School
Start time: 8:40 a.m. End time: 3:30 p.m.

These times will be in effect at the start of the school year in September. We are hopeful that this notice will provide parents and staff with time to make the necessary schedule adjustments. 

Several frequently asked questions include:
With this twenty-minute push, what happens to bus schedules? Bus schedules will be adjusted to reflect this twenty-minute adjustment. Each year we evaluate our bus runs based on the location of student residences. Most bus runs will simply be pushed back twenty minutes, but minor adjustments are always necessary once the residency map is considered. Those schedules will be released by August 1.

Will the high school still have “late start Wednesdays”? Yes – the Wednesday schedule at Yarmouth High School will begin one hour later than the regular school day, running from 9:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Will our student-athletes, musicians, and club members just have more morning practices, rehearsals, and meetings? No – The recommendation from the Start Times Task Force is to ensure that we avoid scheduling morning events to any greater extent than the current practice, taking into account facilities constraints for some programs.

Will there be an option for younger students to be cared for at school prior to the start of each school day? Maybe – There is a possibility that we will be providing an option for a limited number of parents of K-4 children to access childcare at one of our schools or at an off-site location through Yarmouth Community Services. We will be exploring several options and will communicate any solutions prior to the end of this school year. 

We will be working on several logistical and programmatic pieces to further answer these and other questions that this change will raise. We appreciate the work of the Start Times Task Force, the participation of parents and students in the district-wide survey, and the input from community members at recent School Committee meetings.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Jason Rutberg - Maine representative for American Regional Mathematics League

We are pleased to announce that Jason Rutberg will be representing Maine at the American Regional Mathematics League (ARML) Competition. This event will be held at Penn State University from June 2 to June 5.  We are very proud of Jason and of his accomplishments in math. In addition, Jason will bring his love of science and mathematics to the MDI Biological Laboratory this summer, where he will be working as an intern studying the effects of MMP-13 inhibitors on invasive species.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Patrick Grant Wins MPA Principal's Award

At the Maine Principal's Association Annual Banquet on April 2nd, Patrick Grant was recognized as the 2016 Principal's Award Winner.  Given to a senior who demonstrates academic excellence, leadership, and citizenship, Patrick has exemplified these qualities during his four years at Yarmouth High School.  Congratulations!