Monday, December 21, 2015

Maine Skaters Qualify for U.S. National Championships

The North Atlantic Figure Skating Club (NAFSC) is pleased to report that the team of Julia Curran, 12, of Westbrook, and Franz-Peter Jerosch, 14, of Yarmouth, earned the Silver medal in Juvenile Pairs at the U.S. Eastern Sectional Championships, becoming the only Maine skaters to qualify for the 2016 U.S. National Figure Skating Championships.  Julia and Franz teamed up in 2015, and this will be their first trip to Nationals.   Their program is performed to a medley from Don Quixote featuring Man of La Mancha and The Impossible Dream.

Monday, December 14, 2015

All State Music Selections at YHS

Seventeen Yarmouth students were recently selected to the All-State Choir, Band and Orchestra.  They will be performing on Saturday, May 21 at  the Collins Center at the University of Maine, Orono.  Members of the All-State Choir include: Lucy Alexander, Eli Anderson, Mikayla Clifford, Aaron Dustin, Grace Fortin, Bay Hanson, and Karl Munroe.  Members of the All-State Band include Grace Cowles, Aaron Dustin, Franz Jerosch, and Lazare Merchi-Rossin. Members of the All-State Orchestra include Hannah Flanigan, Morgan Flanigan, Hannah Grant, Zoe Hardel, Taylor Robison, and Ava Seid.