Thursday, November 19, 2015

MMEA District 2 Honors Festival

On October 22, students from Yarmouth High School auditioned for the following ensembles: Honors Band, Honors Orchestra, Honors Mixed Chorus, Honors Treble Chorus.   The following students will be representing Yarmouth on January 23 at the Instrumental Festival at Oxford Hills High School, and on January 30 at the Vocal Festival at Windham High School:  

Ben Palmer, Grace Cowles, Eli Anderson, Franz Jerosch, Ethan Hunt, Emi Ruth, Grace Fortin, Taylor Robison, Lazare Merchi-Rossini, Aaron Dustin, Matt Sanborn, Abby Van Longhuyzen, Zoe Hardel, Hannah Grant, Ava Seid, Lucy Alexander, Emilie Hardel, Anna Ruprecht, Karl Munroe, Stephanie Contois, Bay Hanson, Christina Dressel, Silas Chappel, Nick Prato, Ian MacGillivray, Gabby Colby George, Isabella Serrano, and Vicky Williams.  

Sunday, November 15, 2015

YHS Musicians Jazzin’ it Up

Congratulations to our students who were recently accepted to MMEA All-State Jazz Festival!  On Saturday January 9th at 2 pm, the following students will be performing at the 2016 MMEA All-State Jazz Festival held in Hampden, Maine.  Eli Anderson will be singing tenor in the Mixed Choir, Aaron Dustin will be playing tenor saxophone in the Jazz Band, Karl Munroe will be singing bass in the Mixed Choir, and Colin Prato will be singing bass with brother Nick Prato singing tenor in the Mixed Choir.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Saturday Full House - Football Championship and Matinee of Shrek

On Saturday, the Yarmouth High School Football team will be hosting the Southern Maine Championship Game, starting at 12:30 p.m. The football game will draw a large crowd, which will create a parking issue for many fans of both the game and the musical.

Yarmouth High School’s Playmakers will be performing their highly anticipated performance of Shrek: The Musical, with a matinee on Saturday at 2:00 p.m.  Because of the well-deserved reputation for excellence that the Playmakers have created through show the years, we expect large crowds for these events.

For both the 12:30 championship game and the 2:00 performance of Shrek, we will provide complimentary shuttle bus service from the I-295 Park & Ride located near Exit 15 and from Yarmouth Elementary School and Harrison Middle School.  The front parking lot at the High School will be reserved for attendees of Shrek, and we are making arrangements in-house to provide for our student-athletes and student-performers as well.

We encourage car-pooling, drop-offs, and alternative forms of transportation (walking, bicycles, etc.) as much as possible.